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Mathematical Concept Report

As I have repeated over and over again in class, mathematics builds upon itself.  The importance of understanding what comes before what you are currently studying in mathematics is so important to your progression.  Many times it is very difficult to understand a mathematical topic if you do not have sufficient background in material that came before.


For this assignment, research a topic that has not yet been discussed in our class.  Try to teach it to yourself.  Familiarize yourself with the terminology, concepts and symbols used (if any).  Create a brief summary of what the topic entails and include with it printed articles about your topic from the Internet.  Please submit your report any time before the end of the marking period.


Specific details are as follows:


  • Your topic must include some aspect of mathematics that we have not covered yet in our Pre Algebra class.

  • Please include a printed article from a website on the internet on your topic to attach to your summary.

  • Please write a summary on what you have learned (or think you understand) about the topic.  Your summary only has to be one page long (but may be longer if you wish).

  • You will earn a maximum of 20 points to be distributed on tests, quizzes, labs, class work or homework at your discretion.

  • The more complex the topic and the more accurately you describe it, the more points you will earn.



Topics might include:


  • Fibonacci Numbers

  • Pascal's Triangle

  • parabolas

  • hyperbolas

  • trigononometry (sine, cosine, tangent)

  • properties for special triangles

  • graphing inequalities

  • algebraic powers and roots

  • complex numbers

  • logarithms

  • integrals

  • matrix operations

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